Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

young girl with a general anesthesia mask over her faceAt the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, more than 10,每年有000名儿童在外科手术和医疗过程中被麻醉.

儿科麻醉科和儿科重症医学科为早产儿提供全面的围手术期和医疗护理, newborns, 约翰霍普金斯医院及其附属机构的儿童和青少年. 儿童中心是马里兰州及周边地区首屈一指的主要三级医疗学术机构和一级儿童创伤中心. Our goal is to innovate, 发展该领域的领导能力,在安全的环境中提供最高质量的医疗服务, compassionate and child-friendly way.

由儿科麻醉学和重症监护医学组成的两个部门包括80多名临床医生, including physicians, certified registered nurse anesthetists and nurse practitioners, who provide care in pediatric anesthesiology, critical care medicine and pain management. In the Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology, our anesthesiologists are all board certified or board eligible, 是否已完成儿科麻醉学和/或重症监护医学的专科培训, 许多人还持有儿科和疼痛管理方面的额外认证. In the Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (PCCM), 我们的儿科重症医师都是经过委员会认证的儿科医生,在儿科重症监护医学上有亚专科认证. 这些医生和护士享誉世界,在全国调查和排名中名列全国和地区顶级医生 Baltimore magazine.

More than 10,000 children are anesthetized for surgical and medical procedures, and more than 3,每年有000名儿童接受急性和慢性疼痛的治疗. 儿童中心的儿科重症监护室和儿科心脏重症监护室由PCCM的医生和护士从业人员组成,他们提供医疗护理, surgical, cardiac, trauma, transplant, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), burn and cancer patients. 我们还与马里兰州警方合作,在马里兰州各地运送危重儿童方面提供专业知识.

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麻醉学和危重病医学部提供两方面的服务 Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center.